
Maaaan I got a tiny weeny little man-tear at the end of the episode and I don't even know why!

For me there is one line that encapsulates perfectly timed and exquisite
comic genius, I think it's from "Like Father Like Clown." Krusty sat in
a miserable bus station watching a coin operated TV. We hear one line
coming from the movie he is watching: "Welcome to our space-ship….
mighty Hercules!"

I can't help feeling like this was a sweet, nice episode that would have been a knockout gut-wrenching bombshell back at The Simpson's peak. The jokes would have been sharper, the timing impeccable, and the pacing would have made twenty minutes seem like an hour. Not to say it wasn't entertaining, but this latest

I just saw a children's cartoon reference all of the tropes of silent German Expressionistic film making, with a silent faceless protagonist, in TEN MINUTES, and this rates a B+?! I am kind of happy that we have started expecting so much out of series that attempt the new and the different, but I wish this had got