
Wow, you must be a real blast at parties, yo.

I could listen to a full hour of Rogelio recapping his adventures to get cast for an Iñárritu movie, that was amazing. Jamie Camil is always amazing but this episode he was unstoppable.

If this show doesn’t end with polyamory I will be genuinely stunned and I never thought I would say that about a network television program.

I cracked up the most at them taking turns putting the same blanket over each other. Such a great rendition of such a cheesy trope.

“...none of the staff at the Hacienda HealthCare facility knew the patient was pregnant until she went into labor and began moaning.”

I just want to put this out there: FUCK Steven. If the house eats him, I won’t even be sorry. The massive arrogance it takes to lie to your wife for years (years!) about your vasectomy, to gaslight her torment about being unable to have kids, because you think it’s easier than saying “I don’t ever want biological

Thank god. Every time he talked about her, it was always to sexualize her. He even joked about switching out her birth control pills with Tic Tacs so she wouldn’t leave him. He was happy to be with the hot chick and she probably thought his creepy, stalker behavior was cute at first. Thank God she woke up.

This probably counts as spoilers so skip this comment if you haven’t read the book!

At the very least they should have gotten a song nomination. Preferably for “First Penis I Saw”.

No prior history of doing anything violent that we know of. He wasn’t always in the public eye, and being in the public eye doesn’t suddenly make you start assaulting and abusing people.

I mean, if defending a violent, abusive, drunk, generic white guy is the hill you wanna die on then go ahead buddy

Literally says in the article he did not apologize to her. Apologizing to anyone besides the victim means nothing. Leaving her to suffer without trying to help is not taking responsibility for something. If his way of taking responsibility is to get sober, that means his view of this incident only includes himself.

No, Jessica, you don’t have to be friends with him! God I could cry.

You people are crazy. She’s the Paris of people!


There is a lot of Very Important Journalism happening during these Olympics and I am here for every last bit of it.

My (and probably a million other peoples’) theory: They’ve fucked, but aren’t fucking now*.

Barry, you prude, you’re acting like you’ve never stuffed a platonic friend’s muff in your face then transitioned her into a hurricarana in the name of competition before.

I disagree with most of these comments. The movie was spectacular! Most painful love story ever. If you ever just want to FEEL things and CRY - then put it on.

Thanks for the group effort on this quite thorough article. No, really.