
Hi,What podcast was it ? Trying listening to podcast while on the bus and thought listening to funny people might be a good way to pass the time :D She was also super funny in her minor role in Broad city :)

You make a great point, I think I went in thinking “ooh, here’s the doctor” and was disappointed :p but if watched on its own, he portrays Philip extremely well, his face is really expressive and his acting feels genuine I really enjoyed, like you said, that they didn’t make him the knight in shining armor that would

Philip is such a whiny baby of a man I just watched the coronation episode and lost all of the love I had for Matt Smith (and I had a lot, love him as the doctor)! Bow in front of you goddamn wife you selfish man! (sorry I’ve been wanting to vent for a while)

Thank you my fellow grey :D

Thank you for the birthday wishes :D I felt awkward posting but the answers that i got were all nice and welcoming so i might start commenting more often on here :) Gonna enjoy the shit out of today, it only happens once a year indeed !

I’ve been wanting to watch this show, if not for Colin Morgan alone (Love him) :D. I will get to it soon, hopefully before season 2 gets out :D Thank you for the recommandation ! If you have any other show you’d recommend (AiI related or not) feel free to do so :D I watch a lot of TV but I am always on the look out

Thank you internet stranger :D

I started Doctor Foster yesterday and really enjoyed the three episodes i’ve watched so far. It’s short (5 episodes) but super intense. I’ve also been watching Westworld and I really enjoy it. I am fascinated by the questions raised by the development of Ai and the ethical dillemas that it comes with. Unfortunately my