
I don't see race. People tell me I'm white and I believe them because I work for CBS.

Bring out the Dead To Me board.

I think the idea is that it's supposed to register subconsciously.

Eye lasers are such a useful tool for analyzing films

He also directed the mesmerizing Massive Attack video Live With Me.

Like the CEO of tits said, this was a parody of several chain emails all featuring a christian student humiliating an atheist professor.

In my mind, the plot is based off of this:

It's even worse when they try and use technical terms:

A fan-favorite Pidgeot named aaabaaajss was referred to as Bird Jesus
due to the way it quickly became one of the most reliable fighters.
ABBBBBBK) the Charmander was known as Abby, and AATTVVV the Venomoth was called ATV (short for “All-Terrain Venomoth”).

What? My point was that A&E is no longer a place to watch high art and hasn't been for years.

Remember when A&E was known as a channel for people who like fine arts?

One of the few well-reasoned For Your Considerations.

Picking Oscar winners isn't exactly rocket science. Guild winners almost always end up winning their corresponding Oscars. There's nothing else that comes close to a better predictor.

I have liked your post to indicate that I like it.

Even if he decided to start up C&H again, what could possibly live up to the hype that would be generated following the announcement?

The best place for Jeopardy training is the J! Archive, which has complete games going all the way back to the first season. For example, these games, chosen for no particular reason:

Caplan and Hill.


You can still down-vote. The only difference is that people can no longer see the total number of down-votes.

Just when I think I'm out, they pull me back in…