
Both the general public and critics are the mindless sheep and it's only the brave commenters on pop-culture websites who have the balls to speak truth to power.

I don't think there's anyone out there who reads the phrase "his actions drove them to attempted suicide" and thinks "well, they didn't succeed in killing themselves, so clearly what he did wasn't that bad."

This is fucking incredible.

I'm Canadian too, and obviously I don't mean all Western leaders. But in the specific case of Chretien, I have a lot less respect for his position now because of this:

The entire point of my post is that it isn't being used to justify anything Putin did or does. Criticizing Western leaders for their hypocrisy and justifying the Ukranian invasion are two completely different things and I haven't heard anyone in the US doing the latter.

Not when during the campaign you say this:

No one really sympathizes with him for that, but plenty of us recognize the hypocrisy of Westerners. I mean, when John Kerry says ”You just don’t invade another country on phony pretext in order to assert your interests.” (yes, that's a real quote), the only proper response is to call him out on his hypocrisy.

Only in Newfoundland. And only in the rural areas. Maybe 1% of Canadians say 'aboot', if that.

I didn't see it myself and initially rejected it out of hand until I saw the next episode and heard him speak. They really worked hard to make him look and sounds like Pitt.

Brandt can't watch, though, or he has to pay a hundred.

That depends on what your definition of IS is.

Jesus is one of them!

Pfft, you call that a placeholder response?

"Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me"

Hired nerd goons.

There is a breakdown by age group and a breakdown by gender on page 3, but they don't give you numbers for each age-gender pairing.

You could make a strong argument that Tetris is a 'hardcore' game as well, judging by the difficulty many people have with it.

I also hate statistics that are presented in this way: " In fact, the number of women over 50 who play games increased by 32 percent from 2012 to 2013."

Like Arrested Development and The Simpsons, a huge part of what makes this show great is the small throwaway jokes:

"God has a plan for all of us. A painful, painful plan."