

I really admire her sign. Lady hit Hobby Lobby hard.

Hobbies are great. Lobbies are great. Combined, they create the kind of hell only the old testament god could dream up.

Good point, it might be catching. Hazmat suits and double glazing should be fine though I reckon!

I really, honestly want to find the person that does find them appealling!!

WOW! I can’t believe that it is so simple. I LOVE rent the runway don’t you??? I borrowed this fantastic Uterus on there and it came with these adorable tubes coming off of it. SO cute for fall!!

Yup Maroon 5 are terrible

OMG! Thank you sooo much!!! This has been the first time I have got my pretty little head around this confusing and difficult topic. I am so grateful (and blessed!) that you took time out of your busy day to find the time to find a way to explain this to me :-D

Isn’t that the whole point of the GOP?

Haha brilliant, looks like being awesome runs in the family. Jeremy Corbyn might be our Trudeau in 4 years time... That is if David Pig-Fucker Cameron fails in his mission to destroy the place.

She may be! But she hasn’t waved a wand over her own country. The UK is totally fucked with idiotic self-serving right wing pricks in charge. We love following Americas lead!

Everyone knows 12 year olds want to have sex with old men. She probably lured him into the bathroom with her sexy body and then cried rape, slut.

Here I am as (NON SEXY) Donald Trump. I was going to buy a shitty toupee but couldn’t find the right one. In an eureka moment decided to go with straw stapled to a beanie. Most people got it, and if they didn’t I just yelled CHINA at them until they did.

He confessed and they seem to understand he did something wrong BUT he is a good man (a military man!!!) so he shouldn’t have to suffer for a small misdemeanor like this. Think of his children!

I am assuming you have never consumed alcohol to have such a prissy conservative prohibition-type response? I know its not anything to be proud of but I can very easily drink 14 myself (I don’t drive so more drinks for me!) and would be surprised if I was refused service after them. I might be a high functioning

Not sure when straightening irons became popular, but me and my friends would iron each others hair before a school disco/ under-18’s club night when we were 12-14 and this was the late 90’s. Its all smooth sailing until the steam comes on by accident...

Wheat friction is the key

Exactly my reaction to this type of question in a maths test. I would always just waste half an hour imagining the scenario rather than trying to get my highly non-mathamatical brain around the darn equations... unless I had the foresight to cheat

Your friend is travelling at 15 miles per hour and has been running for half a mile. You have been running for 10 minutes at 10 miles an hour. You have body armour on. Who will be more injured from the collision and where in the field do you meet?

I was lived in Glasgow in the mid 2000’s and the £1 note was pretty rare but still around. Maybe they stopped making them?