
*too. I should go to bed!

The irony being that the protestant branch was founded purely because Martin Luther decided catholic priests were guilty of usury and that wasn’t very christian of them. From the mega-churches to the stories of people being kicked out of their church because they didn’t give them their dead mothers life insurance

No chance in hell. Or heaven. Even the ones that don’t rape their wives would still not give two fucks for her pleasure. Literally

I really hope for her sake that she is so brainwashed she is “ok” with it. Or that her faith helps? Or that she gets the hell out of there if she can. Or he dies really soon.

I am having a good time commenting on a Slate article about Planned Parenthood counter protest. Her chant was “Yeast Infections!” to highlight the other services PP provide. None of the stupid christians commenting get the fucking point. They ALL just bang on about murdering babies. I agree that they think any kind of

I would love to write that

Dear god. Your comment came up with my name and photo. I could have written it but I wrote the same thing with different words. Hence 10 minutes of frantic checking behind me and if I have all my devices. Creepy! Sorry thats 3 of us in one thread :(

Been there. Sorry that there could be two such vile men out there. Hugs.

No booze+lots of religious nonsense=Not even worth RSVPing to

Oooh sharing fun stories! I reckon my favourite night ever was when my boyfriend was so angry at me for crying after he raped me that he then beat me up! Ah nostalgia you old chesnut

I remember going out on a few dates when I was 16/17 with men in their late 20’s (once with a 38year old! Yuckkkk) and I thought I was being super mature and clever. The dates fine but found them really boring (and I am sure my teenage chatter wasn’t doing much for them) but like you it has only been when I became an

I find it really weird that you can get married in this country WAY before you can legally drink your toast. I suppose if you are the type of horrible parents that marries off their thirteen year old then you wouldn’t be providing champagne anyway.

Cheers!!! I LOVE rohypnol in my pinot noir :)

She could be healthy, she could be naturally thin, she isn’t as primped and polished as some brands’ aesthetic, and she definitely has very low self-esteem and is constantly being told she is too fat and ugly. You aren’t helping. The issue. It is the designers and the runway choreographers that are the problem, not

Yup that got me told. Petrifying.

My pleasure :) It could be worth trying a few brands and getting the sales assistant to mix a couple of browns with something that you know compliments your skin tone. I get my makeup done a lot (i wish it was because i’m constantly getting married but unfortunately i am a model) and when they put a shade on me that

I understand. I am a vegan and I like bright colours so I am willing to forgive a few things. She probably is an idiot but then she runs a company so... it is quite hard to find people that are worthy of our cash these days!

The men are actually the restricted ones in terms of clothing. They seem to have day clothes and synagogue clothes but that is it! Some of the women definitely make a big effort with their appearances and look fabulous. I reckon make some of the kids clothes as they are often in cute matching sets but they don’t

I love that they are rug freaks together. She is so loving of her rug she was happy to put down 30 grand before it was even taken to be cleaned. And he is so concerned about his rugs wellbeing he happily paid 20 grand to get it back! I think the rug is actually a hidden treasure map and they have been decoding which

I was going to comment “Good god thats horrendous” but then thought better because the first two words really should never meet