
I like this season of TD. It’s not perfect, there are definitely aspects to criticize, but the aspects this reviewer always zeroes in on are bizarre. “But merely presenting the reality of racism isn’t commentary.” Do you want an on-the-nose sermon? Like, god forbid the show tackles race with a little subtlety, which I

As I have noticed after reading a few of these reviews, the real content is in the comments.

well, you’re always gonna get television and Hollywood playing up the Deep South as some miserable, soul-crushing, culture-void place, but that’s not the actual reality at all. People are comforted by the idea of quarantining ‘The South’ as having some corner on the market of evil and depression and hopelessness

These last two episodes made me realize I don’t really give a shit about the mythology. The reason season 1 and parts of season 2 and FWWM worked so well was the emotional resonance and because you cared about the characters.

Season 3 has a bit of that, but mostly it focuses on the mythology way too much. It being a

The running theory is this: Laura, the Golden Orb, was sent by the Lodge Spirits to defeat Judy, the Mother, the Experiment. Bob tried to kill or possess Laura to stop her, through Leland. Judy possessed Sarah.

Yeah, this was so far down my list of problems with this season that it didn’t even register.

More than anything, my sense is that the season would have been an order of magnitudes better if the writing team had just taken a step back from everything after the scripts were all finished, and then a few days later take one more editorial pass before committing to filming. There was a lot of sloppy writing, but th

Can we confirm that the “bring her the undead and she’ll change” plan was the stupidest idea ever? Other than handing the NK a dragon, what did they accomplish?