
Sob. Now Brock will never eat steak again!

3. Guaranteed all the people kneeling in the sand exceed 5'6".

say no more, mon amour

Please get drunk and fight the Deadspin staff.

Seems to me they euthanized the wrong goddamn animal >:(

I dunno, I’m not a screenwriter... YET.

And then she made fun of millenials, and asked you to come over and fix her wi-fi.

Nobody sleeps that deep. That boy dead.

Is that what we’re calling Anna Wintour now? ;)

Pretty sure Cinna was in charge of that decision.

But your lawn has a Bulbasaur!!!!

She’s a hack reporter. That being said, I hope she takes that fucker for so much money that he has to scrounge couch cushions for grocery money. I’m a feminazi, Gretchen, and you may not like me, but I’m gonna stand here and hold your coat for you. That’s what women do for each other. When this is over, I hope you

I don’t think she knew they were coming, or if she did she thought they were too far away still. Which is why she was asking him to wait until they got more men.

Loved the ep in general. BUT. Why the hell didn’t Sansa tell Jon about the Knights of the Vale?!? It’s great she “saved the day” and all, but 1000s of deaths could have been prevented if she had just fessed up to Jon when he was finally asking her for her advice. In the face of his lamentation that they had to fight

Someone responded to my comment with a detailed description of these shoes. Apparently they have excellent rubber soles that make them ideal for walking on rocks. So basically what I’m saying is that Tom Hiddleston comments on Jezebel.

Bobby, Bobby! I cannot believe this was not another part of gossip!

I hope someone is keeping track of women murdered by present or former partners the way the Post is tracking deaths by shooting. Would be illuminating to see it all in one place.

Hopefully he wasn’t a football player or swimmer. I’d hate for his future to be ruined.

So i was looking for some appropriate Legolas quote gif for this whole OrlSelPer drama. I failed in that reguard. However, I found something even better, Stephen Colbert as Legolas. I knew you good folks would approve.