Paul Logan

Agreed. If it’s working, that’s great. But if it’s not, why not use formula and recruit the father/partner to help with the late night feedings? One good night of sleep every 48 hours is certainly better then no good nights of sleep for months on end. And you are so right about the pressure on women to breastfeed. It

No one will ever be impressed by your car or what you do with it, so don’t do stupid things to impress people.

Over 18% increase in price. What a brutal economy we live in. My income did not increase 18%!

Yeah and the sports blog on this very website doesn't cover it

Another suggestion for the title

Someone is always going to be offended now. So use Sir or Ma’am and offend someone. Or not use either and offend someone.

You wanna make a federal case out of this?

“You’ll get nothing and like it.” --Judge Smails. 

Wow, I wonder if anything happened in March, 2020 that dramatically changed traffic levels.

I would love to see the film return to its underground street racing routes with typecast but interesting characters instead of jumping hypercars off skyscrapers, shooting a Fiero into space, and The Rock taking down a Blackhawk with a steel cable. It would be great to send them off in a more grounded, if a bit campy

I am still sad they didn’t name it Fast Ten Your Seatbelts..

I suspect a video about the years-long slog through lobbying and legislature, with its accompanying failures and setbacks and systemic sabotage, to finally result in a compromise which allows for some mild progress, will not generate the revenue sufficient to fund such an effort.

This guy can give away money because

My 4 y.o. son got ahold of his teenage sister’s oil pastels. Now we have a Banksy stretching across two bedroom walls.

Image being so toxic that one of the most obliviously tone-deaf people in history wants nothing to do with you.

I don’t really feel like this is as big a deal as it sounds like.

I sure wish Clive Owen had gotten the chance to be Bond.

Is this based in reality at all, or are you just tin-foil hatting here?
An MB has never been an “everyman’s” car, even in the cheapest models. This has nothing to do with them trying to take away transportation from “the poors” and everything to do with them trying to move back into the high-end market.

Ah there it is, I remember why I hate this website. SJWs telling me to check my privilege because they’ve made poor financial decisions

You’re essentially getting a worse version of cable now. Now, you subscribe to a bunch of streaming services, only to realize that there’s a new show you’re interested in that’s totally unavailable to you, even were you willing to pay for it individually, unless you subscribe to a service you don’t otherwise want.  

Need a few hundred thousand gallons of tertiary injectant to enhance oil recovery on a marginal well? That’s deductible. Why? Because when the price of oil is sufficiently high, the investment is worth it, but only if the extra costs are tax deductible. Oil that doesn’t pump itself costs more to extract and recover,