Paul Logan

Agree with everything here. The source article does bring up one great point. Payment of fee’s to offshore subs for use of IP. That is 100% legal tax avoidance and should absolutely not be a thing. 

low and middle earners pay nothing or already an extremely small amount. (definition of middle will obviously make this nuanced.)

tax receipts against GDP are at all time highs. Something changed, but it wasn’t tax receipts. 

ok. So what? Is it morally bad to fuck up a distant planet? 

reduce corporate tax to 0%. Outlaw stock buy backs. Treat stock awards as ordinary income at the current market stock price. Companies can either payout dividends with their cash, actually put that cash to work via investment in their company, or just sit on idle cash (a very unproductive use of cash). 

This is such a dumbed down tale of events there’s nothing to respond to. Executive pay. What’s in that? w2 income? bonus? options? Was Tesla actually earning any taxable income in those years? Paying comp in stock while the company is losing money? etc...

This is the dumbest fucking article I think I’ve ever read. 

apparently not. 

immediate stereotypes? Have you ever been on jalopnik before?

$75k for a hot hatch from hyundai?! LOL. Check out the luxurious interior filled with cloth and plastic. 

Yeah. You’re probably right. It sounds like there are tradeoffs and EVs probably won’t avg. out to be any cheaper than ICE. 

Like what? Corvette? 

The panamera’s didn’t really hold value. Cayenne’s do better than say an equivalent X5, but still has a normalish depreciation curve. It’s only 911s and really only gt 911s and caymans. 

Even today it’s 50/50 if I have to take my electronics out of the bag or not. How is that not fucking standardized???!!!

a few days to ear a bowl? My Lab won’t go near food that’s a few hours old and will only eat fresh kibble. 

push up bras are pretty awesome. 

This might be the dumbest comment i’ve seen on jalopnik. 

having guard rails and “sealing off” are two entirely different concepts. 

Look’s a bit cunty. hah. 

It’s what should be relatively affordable. The problem is that barely anyone’s pay has kept up to make $50k for a new truck feel affordable.