Paul Logan

Look’s a bit cunty. hah. 

It’s what should be relatively affordable. The problem is that barely anyone’s pay has kept up to make $50k for a new truck feel affordable.

All for lockdowns that did fuck all. 

The GT is fucking fantastic. Super GTs are hand down the best iteration of automobile out there.

I mean they are just a battery, no? How else to you think the billions of batteries are transported all over the world all the time?

“Man, this place has everything.” -Joliet Jake

Yeah. Fuck this guy, but not for deciding not to deliver plan b. That’s up to him. But not canceling the order so she can’t re-schedule the delivery. Intentional b.s. and prob. should be let go. 

cool story bro. 

Head out to Africa to start telling them to stop making babies. The west isn’t producing much these days. 

You can’t depreciate land. 

What’s wrong with more porn? jeez. 

The entire experience was geared around zero tipping, originally. 

not to mention you’re only saving the time value of the money. It’s not like cars aren’t depreciable. This is just for bonus depreciation. It’s year 1 bonus vs 5 year straight line. 

This is objectively wrong. 

All correct. I mean it’s a nice perk, but not some holy grail. It’s just tax deferment. 5 year straight line depreciation vs year 1 isn’t going to be some crazy amount.

but I’ve never seen a G class actually being used off road” I mean how often are you “off road” to even see one? I never get this argument. 

underrated comment. 

It’s not dissimilar to the 5-10 yr powertrain warranties lots of companies has. Sure the bumper to bumper has long expired, but the powertrain warranties are usually quit a bit longer. 

This is a really great comment. 

Got any more pictures??