Paul Logan

They aren’t good ones, which sucks. I want a simple wash with a hand dry and maybe a 15 min vacuum and armor all. The car washes in Tucson were so awesome. Drive up. No appointment. 20 min detail (simple; hand dry, vacuum, wheels, armor all) 25$ plus tip. That’s circa 2004. So 400$ today.

This is so dumb. A republican legislature and republican Gov. already passed the 20 week ban around 2010/11. If that was good enough for them then why are they changing it now? 

rapes and murders were cut by 50%. That’s good. 

Gotcha. I’m an OG e-harmony person and it was a fantastic experience. 

I’m totally the opposite. Fuck the free dating sites. if you’re willing to shell out on a premium product for dating it means you are serious about dating. It worked for me. 

The quicker people realize that the transition to full EVs will be generational and not overnight the quicker we can start making big strides towards something better. PHEV’s are an awesome solution for the short term. Short term defined as the next 30-40 years. 

Sir, This is an Arby’s. 

You’re just sitting on a giant ‘whataboutism’. 

Yeah. I agree with your assessment. That type of behavior is commonplace. It’s almost a good thing that they are all acting as equals, in a fucked up sort of way. She takes offence to the gendered use of ‘cunt’ and that’s fair, but that’s the nature of spats like that. I’m sure the guy on guy screaming matches have

Basically. But 1984 was the last time, so technically not true. 

Can I leap out of the greys please? 


That was my question. It’s a c class chassis underneath, right? Not an E class?

I honestly disagree a bit on this one. I’m no fan of what you describe, but the way bigger cause of danger are the idiots who drive comically slow. Freeway driving ~50 in a 65. Come up to some fuck wit going 35. That situation is much harder to deal with than an asswipe doing 70. 

I think there’s one more aspect. It wasn’t really for their daughter, it was for themselves. If they didn’t get into a prestigious school they felt it was a failure on their behalf. That others would think less of them in their fucked up circle. 

Encanto was fucking great. It’s the only recent movie I can name that I thoroughly enjoyed from Disney, however.

Everyone agrees on the idea behind limiting climate change, duh. But they have no interest in the actual ‘cost’ to obtain it.

no comment system makes it totally pointless

The kid ended up being actual Native American as well! Which is absolutely hilarious. 

faux outrage? That article was complete shit.