Paul Logan

They don’t need guns. They have a Donk. 

So Gawker’s business model?? I’m shocked that they got rid the The Root’s comments bc that’s literally what their business model was. 

Move to something remotely attainable re climate change then us, the proletariat, can make robust changes. WFH, switch to EVs, etc... are all costs and inconveniences that do absolute fuck all unless the actual powers that be substantially change their habits. If the US builds out an entirely new nuclear power grid,

I’d classify 20 years as decades. 

I’d argue yes, it has. It’s just Musk severely overpaid for it.

“The Nowhere set”

Re the drifter. Surviving with absolutely zero resources is a pretty fucking sweet skill in their current situation. 

Dude, the drifter is the most qualified of the bunch! seriously. He’s #1 on my list. How to survive with literally no resources. 

Def. true. But what about assembled parts? I mean the ford workers on the line aren’t putting together engines? The engine plant certainly shutters, but the final assembly line still needs to put in the electric motors and batters and suspension and windows and switches etc... 

While I would normally agree with you wholeheartedly, in this crazy inflationary time wages have not remotely stayed in line with prices. 40% increase just to stay even is probably pretty damn close. Ask for 40 accept 30. 

Disagree. Ending Roe was a great thing. It’s taking time and will continue to do so, but Repubs are getting their asses handed to them running on a pro life ticket. Single handily the worst thing repubs could have done.

What a great car. Completely ruined by one of the worst transmissions made. 

Check out the inverse Cramer Fund. It prints money!

This basically. It’s more akin to Guttfeld than anything.

How do you think we ended up with gasoline??

Yes, But the overwhelming majority is USB-c. Like 99% majority. 

Kind of agree. Like the Crown did so amazingly. 

Sweet. Just finished binging this show last week. I really like it. 

If we unleashed an onslaught of 2-6 yr old’s at them, they’d have no choice. I can barely handle 2 let alone thousands/millions.

Disney+ with ads? Hard fucking pass. No Disney Jr???? My 3 year old is going to kill ol Iger.