Paul Logan

No one but ‘Apple” owns the IP. There isn’t some C suite guy that actually owns the IP. That’s how it works. I pay you to make something for me.

95%? i’d wager 99.999%

wow. a disease named after the animal it was first discovered in. How insane!!!

Pretty sure american steel died bc import steel was nearly cheaper than the raw material costs for american mfgs. 

The third row is definitely not miserable. It’s meant for kids. It’s a family truck. 


Isn’t this no different than the monthly manufacturer incentives on dealer lots?? What’s the story?

Jeez. And we made fun of millennials for being the participation trophy generation. Compared to Gen z they look like the WWII generation.

How is a disease that originates from MONEKY’s that’s called monkeypox racist? Yes, I get black people are referred to as monkey’s by racists, but this isn’t it.

these are so cool. But JESUS they are expensive. 

I really don’t think that chart is indicative of the recent inflationary cycle. The % of labor in price in 1979 is orders of magnitude higher than today. I’d love to see that chart for, say 2018, compared to 2022. I tried finding the raw data, but couldn’t.  

Cool. Thanks. Yeah, there was a snipet about margins cresting in 2022. I wish they linked the data for that. My biggest gripe about bitching about whether it really is price gouging or not is that no one bothers to look up margins. If margins are steady then no, you aren’t being taken advantage of. If they are up

I was curious about that. Do you have any data that shows the increased margins? If that’s true, then truly fuck them. 

Thank goodness. It literally solves all of our problems. Relatively affordable clean independent energy. Any discussion about the climate that doesn’t involve nuclear is a complete waste of time. 

Lot’s of people not in the gray’s excusing this as peaceful protests and completely reasonable. 

It’s a very good position to take regardless of the automaker. smart move. 

carmax and carvana make non-dealer “trade ins” perfectly simple. 

Where do you think it’s going. People just randomly taking your stuff to the junkyard or to throw in the river?

And we’re all better off for it. His movies are exciting as hell. 

No. It took EMTs 15 min to arrive. He stopped choking after ~3min after he went limp.