Paul Logan

So. no?

32 valves. nice. 

They are keeping children’s potential transition in the dark from their families. They think kids should be able to medically transition without parental consent. Trans people in sports is really the toughest hurdle but one where I think the general public doesn’t think a trans woman should be in womans’ sports. But

Do you have any actual evidence to slam her family? or just spit ballin here?

Is this irony of this that the energy required to run these the same if we plugged the solar panels into the grid to power all the electric cars, thus negating the need for the carbon capture anyways? 

Seeing the Pershing and gideon episodes gave me hope there was some real character and story telling development on the long term going on. Things that seem to have been sorely missed in nearly all new shows. 

The biggest problem with the extreme takes on equality or climate change or whatever never seem to look outside the US. They feel like the ultimate NIMBY in a way. 

That means they can’t be expelled again for the initial protest campaign. If they charge in with their bull horn and protested again, then they could face being expelled based on that.

Is that a lot? There are something like 200k rail workers in the country. a .001 complaint rate? 

You think women are going to boycott over this. lulz. 

LOL. good luck with that strategy with fucking Italian soccer fans. 

It’s not exactly a full-throated interrogation of the consent issues at hand”

at any point in pregnancy, with any amount of stated exceptions. There’s no such thing as “compromise” or a moderate stance on whether the state has the authority to invade your body and force you to remain pregnant or give birth.”

Are people who are legitimately considering going to Harvard honestly questioning if college in general is right for them? I find that impossible to believe. 

Can someone point me to the un constitutional language in the WI abortion ban? I have no idea if it’s constitutional or not but everyone seems to think it’s a shoe in to be deemed unconstitutional. Can someone tell me why?

Absolutely agree. The Georgia thing is what bothers me about this initial indictment so much. Forget this ticky tacky one that could blow up in the dems face. Wait for something with some meat on it.

Advocation for murdering police. Sounds about right for gawker. 

Ok. So should we lie? Pretend that diversity initiatives don’t actually exist?

I really think it’s not remotely worth trying. The little upside is not remotely worth the potential downside to this. There’s no way this gets to full guilty felony resolution with prison time served.

It will be historic. Historic in the utmost fuckups by the democrats. Best case, this gets dragged out for years with a fine at the end. Worst case, this flimsy case gets thrown out before the election and Trump easily gets re-elected on the what will be perceived as an obvious witch hunt.