Paul Logan

That’s not how a violation of HIPAA laws work. 

just bc you can afford high gas prices doesn’t mean you can’t still bitch about them. And yes, biden 100% has some blame in this insane inflationary time. 

just bc it could be better doesn’t make it bad, which this article is trying to imply, which is ridiculous. 

good. enough of the theater. 

not a coup. a riot. i wish people would stop parroting this idea that is was some attempt to overthrow the fucking united states govt. A bunch of wackos breaking into the capitol does not a coup make. was there a group ready to asassinate the president? no. were there thousands of people at the ready to dismantle the

the dems are in such hot water politically thanks to biden’s ineptitude on almost everything. (His poll numbers are fucking abysmal) the senate is going red in the mid terms. almost guaranteed. 

when the Dems inevitable get destroyed in the mid terms coming up, the filibuster will be gone and the repubs can just re write the law again. So, sure, a stop gap for 2 years, but that’s it.

I’m honestly curious why people keep saying “coup” and “overthrowing the govt.”

i don’t think you know what the word coup means. 

Yeah. That comment makes zero sense. He just cited a literal expense related to cost of good sold. Something deductible in literally every business. 

The only pickups and SUVs getting shit gas mileage are ultra expensive ones. None of those people care about spending an extra $1k - $1.5k per year in gas. 

do people buying $100k cars really give a shit about paying $2 more a gallon? @ 10k mi / yr and 15mpg, which is super low, that’s only $1,300 more per year. $100 per month. That’s nothing. 

a lame joke toward a celebrity millionaire hundreds of times over is punching down? wtf?

ultra leftists are fucking insufferable. jesus. relax.

there hasn’t been a single negative comment about it. so everyone?

2 guys that intimately know the ins and outs of everything EV is supposed to make the general know nothing buyer sleep easier?

democrats. doing a bang up job so far. fucking pathetic. 

Biden cow towed to mitch McConnell? Sounds like a biden problem. not a republican one.

While I agree, power plants are moving such vast amounts to a single location that the comparison is probably not warranted. disposal  and charging loss is definitely a thing. 

huh? the BMW and tesla most likely have almost identical carbon footprints in relation to building the entire car. They both have plastic and leather and steel and aluminum etc.. The electric motors and the engine are probably very similar as well.