Paul Logan

This would probably amount to a drop in the bucket compared to the money he is sending to Ukraine.”

somehow i bet this is racist. jk. 

this post is 9 FUCKING YEARS OLD!!!!!

I’m a cis white female.” so what. this inclination to announce who and what they are is ridiculous and de-humanizing.

This is why V10s need to come back. Fuck those NIMBYs

then you live in a paranoid delusional world and should seek help. 


I mean, they did, for over 2 fucking years. the theater is ridiculous. it’s over.

sounds good. personal choice is a beautiful thing.

It’s almost like isolating for such a long period of time didn’t help kids’ immune systems. weird. 

no one is suggesting that people that want to mask, can’t mask. This is hoarding. Not the response of a healthy person. Masks, even N95s, are readily available. This person needs some therapy. 

no, really, you’re hoarding. It’s not healthy. Masks, even N95s, are readily available. Mask up, but what you’re doing is legit not healthy. 

it’s a fucking false equivalence you dumb fuck. me not wearing a mask does not equal a hospital visit or death, since, you know, I’m fully vaccinated, like most of the adults in this country.

are you messing with me? of course not. I’m not going to wear a mask, but i certainly respect anyone’s wishes to continue to do so.

false equivalence is false. 

so, forever? are you vaccinated? if so, then covid is nothing more than the flu. why haven’t you been masking your entire life?

yeah. sure. whatever makes you sleep at night. we should de-hormone women, so they aren’t so weepy weepy all the time. would be so much easier to deal with. 

That’s awesome. People should be encouraged too. I, won’t be. No shame in anyone’s choices. 

great news.

why are people freaking out over this? the mandate was going to end in 2 weeks anyways.