Paul Logan

Yep. The EAA fly in. Their airstrip is legit. If SR 71s can land there, anything can.

100%. They are all talk.

eh, that’s a little harsh. She was a host of the oscars and a fellow stand up comedian. I think she has a dog in this. 

good take. I thought Rock’s composure should be wildly applauded. Especially, since Rock saw Will laughing hard at the joke initially. I can’t imagine what Rock’s mind frame was like. Smith went from having  a good time, with bad joke, but taking it on the chin, to insanity, all in 60 seconds. 

1) Will was literally cracking up at the joke initially. So, no.

It’s ok bc she’s a wildly public figure that aires out all of her dirty laundry for fame and money. It’s ok bc Will apparently though the joke was funny and innocuous. It’s ok bc the joke, albeit, not funny, was fairly tame and innocent. It’s ok, bc she could have used the joke as a spring board for alopecia, but no,

pretty sure their price increases are commensurate with ice price increases as well. You know, supply chain issues and that little inflation thing going one.

Apologize? for what? not being particularly funny? Sorry, poking fun at near billionaire super celebs that already air their dirty laundry in the public is not a big deal. Not to mention the hysterical laughter that Will Smith was doing seconds before assaulting Rock. 

(Although I guess that part is up to Chris Rock.)


So you have no idea and are just making shit up? got it. 

Then why was Will laughing so hard if they have such a ‘beef’? And by beef, you mean that one time like 7 years ago rock made a quip about the smith’s not being invited to the oscars?

Smith was literally cracking up at the joke. The joke wasn’t funny, but it was totally tame and Will knew that, hence his hysterical laughing. There was no need for a slap. 

it is up to snuff. next question. 

dope anecdote 

PA received $7B.

great question! You’d think that would be easy!

It’s not fiscal responsibility, it’s the massive windfall the states’ got from the massive covid spending from the fed. 

I don’t think that’s how the law works? He committed a crime, no? If I shoot someone, that person doesn’t have to press charges for me to go to jail. Why is this different?

No, they just openly joked about their infidelity/open relationship.