Paul Logan

my guess is there will be a net zero change in sales if they change it or not. I’d say don’t change it. Why give up 40 years of very valuable bran equity for a few week’s good pr. 

No, I’m not. I’m talking about us being the bank of the world. We are the reserve currency. Do you not understand what that means if shit hits the fan globally? I’m not talking about improving anything. I’m talking about our ability to make it through severe global crises’. 

Quality of life surveys and a country’s ability to deal with real structural and financial issues are not the same thing. As fucked up as the US is in a lot of ways, we are still in the lead to deal with things. 

seems reasonable.

I’ve seen other women run circles around guys in the field of athletics”

A WNBA player wouldn’t even ride the pine on a D1 college team. I’m pretty sure a state high school all star team from north dakota would win the championships. 

haha. I absolutely agree with that. “shovel ready jobs”

Seriously. Not to mention that something like 400-500B of that 1.9T is for actual covid relief. The rest is fucking pork.

I mean we’ve spent an extra, what, 7 trillion this year on covid relief? How on earth do we never seem to be able to dig deep in the debt for infrastructure? Something that the US will actually get a solid return on. 

What’s your point? You’re a miniscule part of their customer base with a 40" tv. Buy a new piece of furniture.

correction. political click bait about how cars are bad. 

also. I saw you drive an f150 to the grocery store. Therefore, you only drive your truck to the grocery store and use it for nothing else. fackin mall truck. 

holy fucking shit. I bought something cause I wanted it. the horror!

false equivalence is false. 

Alright. Now how about a retraction of that scorching take on the Indy 500 from yesterday?

Can. Not. Wait. I really hope LMH ends up being something special and we can all wax nostalgic about in 30 years.

This sounds awesome. Love punky. 

Leo is an executive producer on it. 

How dare those 8 and 9 year olds not want to move out. lol. 

It really is amazing that people that spend most of their lives in the public spot light can be so amazingly shitty at keeping up their image. Like it isn’t hard to say that it was unfortunate that the contestant choose to spend her time at a plantation party and we surely don’t support that kind of behavior and we