My office has showers. I can run 5k around a nearby lake, shower, and be back at my desk in 45 minutes. So on running days, I just eat at my desk.
My office has showers. I can run 5k around a nearby lake, shower, and be back at my desk in 45 minutes. So on running days, I just eat at my desk.
Priceless doesn’t mean that it’s worth more than all the world’s money combined. If that were true, anyone with a Picasso could just buy America, replace Trump with Stephen Hawking, and declare war on artificial intelligence. It means it doesn’t have a price, because it’s worth something that can’t be valued in money.
I’ve made personal kanban a part of a more complete personal productivity workflow that borrows from David Allan’s Getting Things Done and the Pomodoro Technique. Basically, I use a mind map to capture all the high-level areas in my life that I don’t want to forget about when planning my week. Every Monday morning I…