
Ugh, its still an entire season based on violating show-don't-tell. It makes even the normally amazing performances feel cheap. Why bother having an amazing actor like Angela Basset show us her desperation at not falling off the wagon, her panic at not being able to find her child, her fear of never seeing her

I thought it was a disaster. The mockumentary set up sucks all of the tension out of everything. Having the running narration disrupted the flow of scenes, and because everything is a re-enactment with actors there is no real horror in anything. Its just one big long violation of 'show-don't-tell'.

What book was Lapis reading in the last shot? It looked clear enough that it was supposed to be something.

I….have to agree. The music needed to be faster, louder, and more zany.

Rent lost me immediately when oh-so-perfect and special Angel was introduced bragging about killing their landlord's puppy. Screw you, Rent.

Aw, I loved The Wicked! Maybe its just because I'm a fan of that over-the-top cruelty. I still chuckle thinking about the ending.

Meant to post this on last episode, but did anyone else notice that the attendant to Blue Diamond was the only other Gem in the flashback that had a full appearance but wasn't a silhouette? Could she be important?

There was quite a bit of fairly graphic sex, so maybe?

I thought it was a great episode. Lots of continuity nods, and some character growth. Great animation too. Really hoping for a second season!

Was it a mistake, or are they shunting the series off to die? I hope it sticks around. I love its style.

Everything that comes out of the mouth of Uncle Deadly is gold.

….I actually kind of liked this episode. The parts with Grace and what's-his-face were duds because of their incompetence and falling for the Dean's obvious scheme, but the Ouji board stuff was fun. And Jamie Lee Curtis just sells everything she does because she's Jamie Lee Curtis. Especially the scene at the end!

Honestly, Steven Universe has made me like Adventure Time less and less as time goes on. SU has done everything that AT has done, but much quicker and with much more consistent follow up. It took 6 seasons of AT to do what SU has done in 1 and a half.

I'm starting to not like Wander as a character. His 'niceness' and trying to help everyone was interesting at first, but its clearly got a lot of flaws. He's actually really selfish, and often seems to treat Sylvia like garbage. This would be fine if they called him out on it, but the show rarely does, and when


I think I got the points in the episode. Maybe? Using Cartman and Randy to poke at shaming was a smart move, but my problem with this is that harassment and shaming are often not just aimed at people baiting it. An overwhelming and disproportionate amount ends up hurled at not particularly famous people not

I wouldn't bother with this guy. The type of person who doesn't watch the show in question, but goes around to websites and waits until just moments after a review goes up to whine about reviewers calling out an uncomfortable rape joke isn't the type of person you can argue with.

I would say some episodes from the more recent seasons have some clever jokes that might not be caught on the first run through. Mixed in with the jokes with the subtlety of a sledgehammer.

I thought it was the best episode so far until the end. Everyone bounced off each other well, the jokes with the anarchists and the fire department were amazing, and Rad was a great butt monkey. But that ending….blech. It didn't help that they really nailed the animation with Pizzazz being really uncomfortable

Favorite part that nobody has mentioned: the back and forth glare conversation between Amethyst and Pearl around the beginning of the episode.