PKillah, Napping for Two

That and Veep.

Nobody embraces deprecation better.

I hope that he is now your ex husband?

Why was this a question?

I thought calling himself “The British Millhouse” was spot on self-deptrication

Not that I am aware of. Nor does he claim to “destroy” anything, articles written about his segments are the ones that love to use that terminology (including Jezebel).

It’s great when John Oliver is referenced here because it gives me the opportunity to say:

The fact that he was mad about someone flipping his truck makes you not care about him? It seems that he was fine and his gf was fine, he expressed concern for the passengers of the uber, and got mad at the other driver who (seemingly) caused a serious accident. His anger seems pretty understandable... the fact that

In defense of Teller, I can just say that I regularly drive in the Valley and there are many dick drivers who just don’t seem to care. He has a vintage Ford Bronco coveted by many. He did express concern for those who were injured, but he has a right to be angry for anyone who makes a left in front of you without a

He got all those scars on his face and neck from a terrible car crash years ago — I would be very very freaked out about being in a car (or truck) if I were him.

If Mr. Crites is supporting McMullin then there’s also the possibility that Mr. Crites is a Christian conservative of the LDS variety, and I’m only being particular about that because Protestants and Church of LDS members don’t always want to be grouped together; just ask the evangelicals who didn’t vote for Romney in

I pray for Trump to step on a single Lego every Friday night.

Black minors do.

Chipotle burrito taken to its natural, digested conclusion. I laughed out loud and scared the dog and the husband. This may be the best one yet.

I feel like a lot of people just don’t understand addiction, how it is often borne out of desperation- obviously I cannot speak to your experiences, but a lot of people are like “well then just don’t smoke crack, you brought this on yourselves!” which is so fucking stupid and simpleminded and ignores WHY people start

As someone who’s been incarcerated I can’t read articles about it. I’m sure it’s some type of PTSD. I wish though more people would seek out our advice because our prison system is FUCKED. And end the war on drugs, fucking now. Because you know what the war on drugs is? A war on poverty. People make fun of meth or

Its “natural” for a woman to give birth to eight children and only have a few survive. It’s “natural” for the whole family to sleep in a 10 x 10 dwelling and parents to just have sex under the cloth/skins/whathave you with everybody there. It’s “natural” to die at 40ish. Lets not assume natural is better.