
I'm so disappointed that no one is talking about how the Great Lakes Avengers is going to be in this. Way to bury the lede!!!

Yup, but you need all of those things. If you could only pick one, go with Spanish.


Ditto the woman in Canada who waits for frozen zombies to unthaw before eradicating them. Also her story itself is fucking brutal.

No one else will agree, but I do. The Prestige is so, so good.

Some really believe you can solve all human problems with a bit of code and a can-do attitude. These people are either hopelessly naive or fucking suffocating on the thin air from the high horse they wont get down from.

Used to work for one of the Big 3 tech companies, now work for a small start-up that was recently bought for a couple billion dollars. It's like that all the way down.

*ICE raids car wash*

We were dead before the ship even sank

Well, we're boned.

Cracking skulls.

Thankfully Frontline still exists.

This almost had me fooled for a Douglas Adams line.

"The fact that many people are willing to ignore and cover up rape for money is rape culture."


Too bad its on CBS so the numbers on the register might as well be the digits for pi.

T.I. is probably more qualified than Drake to deal with this, just guessing based on each of their public histories.

Can we hang out? We have similar taste in music and I need more friends.

That's giving Miller and Kushner waaay too much credit.

To Tundra is so good.