Phillip K. Dick's FBI File

Some of these people might actually be nerds (no, Seth Rogan, you’re a dork - there’s a fucking difference), but Jessica Alba is one celebrity on the list that jumps out as the most obvious mean-girl who holds court from the back seat of the bus (she might even deign to share that seat with a “friend” on occasion) and

Being a little bitter IS part of the nerd essence to some people though. Why do you think alot of the so called nerds dudes are super defensive? They incorrectly feel that because one didn’t go through the mockery and humiliation of early nerdom (I got my ass kicked twice for carrying comic books around, wearing anime

I was in drama/choir all through high school and we were nerdy as hell. Like, we had overnight camps and huge raging parties and we usually just harmonized and ran around outside. And there were a ton of football players and cheerleaders in drama. A lot of us were pretty cute, but we had NO chill.

Both of my parents are very broken narcissists— acute sufferers from "Piece of Shit at the Center of the Universe" disorder. My childhood included all the abuse and neglect you can imagine, including actually being handed over to my Mom's drug buddy for six years of molestation in some sort of "teaching the child to

Just a cautionary could we not equate the label Narcissistic Personality Disorder with automatically meaning someone who abuses children or other people? Yes, the diagnostic criteria does include some really problematic personality traits that make empathy and relationships difficult, but it doesn't mean that all

I have a narcissist sister-in-law (my wife's sister). She sent us an email the day after we saw her at a mutual friend's dinner party (where she refused to speak to us despite the fact that we were holding our 1-month old son she'd never seen before) informing my wife and I that we were no longer the god-parents of

I read the mother jones article and didn't bother responding because a million people had already chimed in about how the study is actually saying that your phone does as good of a job, not that the fitbit is bullshit. If you couldnt think of one reason that someone would prefer a slim, light band over carrying their

I'm glad this couple has put the problem parents in their place.

It's hard to maintain maturity when the people who abused you as a child are involved. Everything they have contact with turns you back into the immature helpless person you were when the abuse was happening. Being objective is borderline impossible.

Except so much of the abuse endured from a narcissist is that your voice is stomped out. You are silenced repeatedly, because their word is always the most important. It is healing and therapeutic to reclaim your voice, and at first, it can be raw and abrasive. Because of course it is— they haven't had the privilege

I have relatives who are like her parents and they're still savoring what an awful person I am based on things I did as a small child. You can't win, you can just cut them off in the way that's truest for you. This was awesome.

Perhaps they'll even blame their relationship problems on her.

You're like the Hamilton Nolan of milk. That's not a good thing.

Except that, NFL players are in the 99th percentile of the most talented (and to a large extent lucky) athletes. There are 10's of millions like them, who play from childhood, sustain the same hits well into college, and never get a payday. Safety is important at the NFL level becuase it's important at all levels.

That's because you're an asshole. And not just an asshole, but also a complete moron without even the most limited logical reasoning skills.