
Some of Storm's hairstyles have looked great in the comics, the wig in X-Men (and X-Men 2 I think as well?) looked terrible. Storm's hair looked a lot better in the third film.

There's time for her to bulk up her arms in time for shooting though

I too immediately thought of the Normandy in Mass Effect

He has a new show, chances are the writers didnt know he wasn't coming back when they wrote the episode

He has a new show, I'm guessing it's a better gig than SH

Apparently Orlando has a new show

What about the scene where Orlando had to get a bug extracted from his arse?

Honey Poo Poo

Don't you have to have a good education to get into college though?

I think he's side-eyeing the fat fuck on the other side of the girl

You are aware that Lady Stoneheart could easily be done with makeup and prosthetics arent you?