
I think most of it was the alternative was Jay Leno.

Saw this in another forum:

If you correctly see Pietro as a nefarious force in all of this, then you can’t take anything he said, especially “I heard you calling me,” at face value. He only showed up to interrupt Wanda and Vision from continuing to talk through what’s happening.

Why are we thinking “Vision good but Pietro evil imposter”? Evidence just doesn’t fit.

Shark’s colors look like Pietro’s costume. And both he and the shark use the term “little dude” and have the “extreme 90's” aspect. Honestly I think the guaranteed thing here is Pietro being the big bad. The interpretation of who the child represents is more of a stretch and I very well could be wrong. It is true that

My simple answer remains: Wanda has control over what’s happening, but she isn’t in control over what’s happening.

I disagree with LastTimeAround. Wanda did not summon Pietro. Pietro appeared to prevent Wanda and Vision from finally having a confrontation or discussion about what is going on. Pietro was sent or interjected himself to maintain the illusion that is imprisoning both Wanda and Vision right now. While it’s undeniable

I’m not sure Pietro is the big bad, but the way he addresses his death (“Shot in the street for no reason”) is a dismissal of how the “real” Pietro died, which was by protecting some children from Ultron. It seems odd (unless he’s not who he says he is) that he would be so dismissive of the circumstances of his own

I mean - workouts are a part of someone’s life, and sharing your life is kind of the whole idea of social media? Sounds like you just don’t like the idea of social media in general, which is fine if you don’t want to participate, but no need to judge others who feel differently.

Having fell in love with Fellowship when it was released (and, having started work at a cinema, getting to see it and The Two Towers many times each), I can’t remember being more excited for a film than this one – or having a more emotional reaction to one. From “I can’t carry it for you” onwards I seemed to remember

Rewatching the trilogy over Xmas was a pretty great experience for me. I probably hadn’t actually just sat down and watched them all in a few years. Maybe pre-Trump? It was definitely something that really fit with how I was feeling a lot better than anything from Star Wars, I guess. Trek has been a huge help, too. I

I actually just said out loud, “... huh.” This makes an uncomfortable amount of sense. I only drink two, occasionally three cups per day ... but they’re out of an oversized brand mug I won forever ago, so if I’m being honest, it’s probably about 4-5 regular cups. (Yikes, that sounds even worse than I thought.)

I hate AVClub’s misleading clickbait titles.

So none of the people commenting on here read the book, apparently.

just got a $601.80 vet bill so... at least someone’s got health care on the government’s dime(?)

One problem is that the term “flu” is given to anyone who had the sniffles. Hell, even the branding of health items like “xxxx Cold and Flu” weakens the thought of what the flu is.

I know in my heart of hearts that if you get a bunch of country music fans together in Tennessee you’re going to have problems enforcing Covid protocols. That’s not liberal me making fun of red staters, that’s me knowing those people well, coming from a similar state and having tons of friends and family around those

The entire LotR trilogy is, entirely without exaggeration, far and away my favorite movies ever made.

Seems strange since conservative estimates seem to indicate Covid being over due to majority vaccination by summer.

I wish they had taken the budget they used for this film and spent it on bringing back My Name is Earl instead