A Price Of Games Journalism

It doesn’t matter which company is mad at us today, or which companies get mad at us in the future. You’ll continue

I played a isometric demon souls-like maze game like this that was pretty cool. Didn’t think it would work in vr but it actually does. It’s like your looking at a game board on a table and you can move your head closer or around to see.

Aren’t they fixing Skellige’s most wanted? It’s the single biggest complaint anyone’s got right now, and they’ve already fixed it for PC, it makes no sense for it not to be in this patch! It’s a total progression blocker, I’ve been stuck in the same place for two weeks now =(

how can we make any screenshots when yous told us not to play it!? *head a’splodes*

Thanks for confirming that the Kotaku reviewer didn’t complete the game!

a) Destiny vanilla is no longer relevant. You cannot play it. It no longer exists.

Can we just think about how Destiny has come so far that this guy literally cannot make fun of its current version?

fucking ass pussy baby preschool time” is the name of my next band.

i prefer good karma :/ why should it only ever be bad luck that happens.

I know you like to troll for attention because no one gives you any in your personal life, but please, stop.

I’m getting a lot of shock in the comments from people who are still getting over the loss of Iwata. This is understandable; Iwata was famous as being the “anti-suit”, the guy who was “one of us”, and the one whose passion affected the company’s efforts for the better, setting it apart from its competition. Iwata fit

I was just wondering if they picked the wrong person for the review. I got the impression that the game didn't stand a chance before it left the case.

While I love Kotaku to death, I disagree with the review that was done by the other guy. To me, it’s a fantastic little game and just about everything that you could love in a Mad Max game. While it does have it’s flaws, once you invest some time with it and get a upgraded ride, combat, be it in or out of car becomes

I must say, collecting stuff in Mad Max is fun as all hell. I ‘m stopping at every single possible location and looking for everything. Mad Max has been a huge hit with me and I can’t put it down. Still bitter over the Kotaku “NO” verdict. Screw you guys. =)

I agree. Though more importantly are reviewers who realise they have different tastes and still try to retain some objectivity about if the game actually achieves what it set out well, even if it’s not to the reviewers preferences of game.

the game is fantastic. chris’s reviews suck because they don’t go beyond his feelings. he doesn’t try to understand the game any further than his opinion of whether it’s fun or not. no appreciation for the choices that went into the game. nothing objective, not much description. just juvenile bitching. this dude needs

It’s always interesting to read your reviews, Chris, since I so rarely get to see the well thought-out opinions of a smart person who I frequently vehemently disagree with.

I haven’t tried Mad Max yet, though, for the record. This is just in general.

I follow Chris’s reviews because he is incredibly valuable to me - I almost never agree with him. I wish people would understand that a reviewer with different tastes than you isn’t “wrong” - they’re just as necessary to identify as reviewers who share your taste to a T.