I feel the same way, it's kind of always the same. Dean: "as lawyers, we…" Fred savage (I can't recall his name either, is it Stewart?): "you're not a lawyer!" That exchange comes up several times per episode, it's tiring.
I feel the same way, it's kind of always the same. Dean: "as lawyers, we…" Fred savage (I can't recall his name either, is it Stewart?): "you're not a lawyer!" That exchange comes up several times per episode, it's tiring.
Nope, it's true.
Oh, well I don't watch The Simpsons. And I am perfectly calm. There are tones other than red hot rage, even on the internet.
According to Boyle, Home Alone is like Die Hard for kids.
Coupe in Casual, totally different character.
Pally on The Mindy Project wasn't as great as he was on HE, not even by a long shot. His performance in Slow Learners, however, is fairly funny albeit totally different from Max.
He was GOLD as Brad, none of his New Girl material was able to even compare to that.
I'm pretty sure he did it himself at the police station. Where he works. As a police officer.
I absolutely loved Alicia just cracking up at the revelation of Jackie and Howard getting engaged. It makes so much sense to find this hilarious from her perspective, as both have been ridiculous nuisances in her life at some point.
I freaking loved this episode, it was so much fun to watch. Olivia making Mellie president is a moment I have been waiting for for 2 years!
Maya is not in a dungeon, she's roaming free!
It's not B-613, they made clear that that no longer exists in the season finale. I think it's Mama Pope stirring trouble.
Because they had finally reached a place last season where they could be supportive of each other and where they realized that they could be each other's person to rely on in times of need.
This time there are photos of Liv and Fitz together, though, which can't be retracted.
I was just going to say. Hypocrisy runs high in those circles.
This has been bugging me for a while:
Joe Morton plays Eli Pope aka Rowan. There is no Rowan Pope, it's just Rowan, a persona created to shield his true identity of Eli Pope from the government.
I have to admit I'm one of the, what like 7 people who actually really liked This Is 40, just because Leslie Mann is so freaking fantastic.
I must've missed the incest part of that movie, I don't remember Paul Rudd marrying the girl who played his daughter in that movie.
I'm pretty sure Leanne speaks Dutch, which is similar to German so you might be able to understand some bits here and there.