

Doubt it. That’s the opposite of what he built up.


Hahaha. Part of me hopes that they're running a facade to gain popularity, but that's still unethical and impacting the mind of people who don't know better.

They both are essentially the same, old bigots who can manage to gain attention and popularity through their unattractive character.

Ha ha.

I've actually seen her once, hahaha. She did the same thing.

Eh. It was just a TC.

If it’s “probably reserved for sunny-day parade duty only”, it seems that it won’t be getting much use after all. Carmax special, anyone?

It actually sounds pretty fun. Besides the bathroom part. That just disgusts me.

Just curious... why is this post delayed by 4 years?

The resemblance is striking.

Seems legit.

Visit bankrupt Detroit!

That's the joke.


I’m liking that. What type of wheels are those?

The sandwich looks utterly disgusting to me, but I appreciate that he's using it to help those in need. Temporarily restored my faith in humanity.

I guess you can view it that way.