
The question was what would he tell his black son to do in the case he was pulled over. This article pretends it’s his general response to racial injustice in America. I challenge someone here to answer this question in a meaningfully better way, considering that it is you giving advice to your black son.

Either they truly believe that socialism will scare off the mythical swing voter (as that’s their stated reason) or they are worried about the consequences of one party being able to win while untethering themselves from the rich donor class.

And that’s why they need to be removed from the apparatus entirely using the tools at our disposal to reclaim the DNC for... hell, all we want is to fucking make the basic changes necessary to preserve our democracy and HELP PEOPLE sustain our capitalistic society by giving them the tools necessary to adapt to a

If they seriously think that Bernie’s ideas are worse than Trump’s, then they belong on the other side of the aisle instead of fucking up ours.

Sometimes I want to aggregate all the nasty, patronizing, dismissive, snobby, and necessarily personal vitriol I receive from white Clinton supporters to prove some point.

Then I remember that the point is that we have a candidate who was right on Iraq, is right on Israel, is right on ceasing to socialize risk for too

This thing about all Bernie supporters being white college bros is fucken condescending. The progressive wing of the party has been shit on forever, and its shit like this makes us not want to turn out for the latest republican lite candidate they toss out year after year.

You can’t seem to understand that ends don’t always justify the means. Instead of saying you are against Big money in politics and turn around then run after the big money for funding, why not stand up for what you say for God’s sake.

That’s a terrible argument. This is like when republican’s say we can’t stop using coal because it will cost jobs.

He wouldn’t, cause its a matter of principle, but of course Hillary supporters won’t understand that. They think nobody can possibly resist the allure of a million dollars being handed to you on a silver platter.
But Bernie knows better and we should know better; this is how Big money buys access and access is

This is the reason nobody believes when Democrats say that they are against Big money in politics, their actions betray their words. Do you know how much money Hillary’s super PACs accepted from Wall Street.

And broadcast networks who use the public spectrum should be required to provide the airtime for debates, town halls, and conventions as part of their licensing for that broadcast spectrum.

No, most of the funds will go to people who promise to support Hillary hence Wall Street agenda. Down with the big money influence in politics. Its time we listened to common people, instead of the billionaire class.

I suppose Hillary might be able to get it done without lying...but she is has a big problem with trust...just as the people who live in the United States of America have stated overwhelmingly that Sanders is trustworthy and HRC is not....

So 2nd time I’ll say I don’t think you as actually are a Sanders supporter; but I’ll give you a benefit of the doubt since there is some nuance.

You might be with her, but he is with us.

So just because the bribe is openly public means it’s OK?

able to tell my newborn daughter “You can be whatever you want when you grow up,” without lying

Giving your statement I find it highly unlikely you gave him any money. And if in the incredibly unlikely instance you actually did you are a fool, since his whole point is to get money and it’s influences out of politics.

Yeah, what a dick. Trying to get big money out of politics and trying to fix a corrupt system. I mean, it’s HRC’s turn. Why can’t he just give up and let a woman win without opposition? She may be bought and paid for by Wall Street and special interests, but he is screwing up her coronation.

Yes, it’s hilarious that once upon a time buying votes and having dead people vote used to be frowned upon. Thank heaven those days are over.