Paul Camp

So you’re pissed off because you’re unable to make choices? Perhaps you’d like to repeat third grade?

Guy needs to shut up so we can hear the engine.

Donald Trump is a dangerous lunatic.

Then why is he occupying a civilian office? You have a weird idea of chain of command.

It is, but probably not in the way Michael Che intends.

Headless Barman rides again.

I routinely substitute Guinness for wine in any recipe involving beef. It has never yet been a mistake.

Unless people are willing to criticise the black female Hamlet, they should shut up.

“Fuck you white people for not understanding.”

So. Silly Putty with toner.

So. Silly Putty with toner.

So Ruben Blades, a Panamanian, is playing a Maori in Fear the Walking Dead. Brownwashing?

Give the man a break.

I reject your premise.

There! See? A Dick Pit is exactly what Chuck E. Cheese is missing.

BTW, No no no. You can’t send information through quantum entanglement. That is impossible. Your explanation assumes you know the state of the system before you observe it. Actually, even worse, assumes it has a definite state before you observe it. That’s not how it works.

Star Trek universe got all the good patents.

That run in the 70’s where Charlie Brown’s head turns into a baseball, and so does the Sun, and anything else round, and ends with a cameo from Alfred E. Neumann — that’s as good as it gets.

I’m sorry. Jenny McCarthy is best known for breasts, not acting.

Grilled mayonnaise?