Paul Camp

What? No Ambrose Bierce? Judge Crater? Amelia Earhart? Agatha Christie, for god's sake?

Sorry. I've read everything I've read.

Not too impressed with Neil de Grasse Tyson.

Just so you know . . . among physicists, Hawking is known as kind of a jerk.

Oh Please! I would die and go to heaven after that.

Seriously? These are the best? That's just sad.

#4: Wow, Mr. Magoo is really old!

Some people (like Vinge) see growth curves that look exponential in their early stages and assume they will be so forever. But that never happens. Due to resource constraints, or transportation constraints, or whatever, growth always linearizes, then flattens.

Physicist here. Coffee and beer are the two essential fluids of physics. It is rather like having two pedals in your car. There is one to make your brain go and one to make it stop going when you're done with it.

Am I the only one who thinks the entire premise of this show is brain damaged? If the colony had survived, the future would know about it. The fact that it is not part of their history means the colony is doomed and everyone will die. So who would go there? And now we want to transport natural resources to the far

An artillery shell is not a rocket.

Ummm . . . this is new? I was aware of this as a physics grad student in the 80's and it was old knowledge then.

I'm usually disappointed by Stephen King's work. They generally have tremendous build-up and disappointing endings. That isn't true for the Dark Tower series. I generally liked it. The one with the lengthy flashback was the weakest, but it is worth the time.

I wish to god I could unwatch Star Wars. Does that count?

Well, I haven't seen most of these but I did see Blair Witch and Event Horizon and both of them were full of suck. At the end of the day, Blair Witch was a half assed campfire story, complete with flashlight up the nose, and Event Horizon was just idiotic. If the rest of them are up to that standard, I'm not impressed.

Works way better with paper matches. Less weight = flies further. Also, Lay the pin on the side of the match and THEN wrap the foil around. Easier to have a hole already than to make one after the fact.

I'd actually like to see Philip K. Dick looked at for inspiration. So far, almost all the movies based on his stories have taken the milieu and deleted the story. Even Blade Runner, great as it was, screwed the pooch in some major ways.

Why is she wearing a bellboy hat?

Isn't she rather . . . large?

On the other hand, joke authors are awesome. A seminal paper on big bang theory was authored by Hans Bethe and George Gamow. After the paper was complete, they recruited Ralph Alpher for one reason and one only — so they could sign the paper with the first three letters of the Greek alphabet.