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    @hawkeye18: Oh, well that makes sense. I was hoping for something a little more zany. Glad to hear it worked out for you guys, I'm popping the question myself later this month (I can write that because she doesn't read this blog!) so I hope it goes as well for me :)

    Woo, go China! Go to the moon, find some water ice and make the solar system our plaything :)

    Well, it's a start :) Death to 3D glasses!

    @hawkeye18: Ok I have to ask, why the swimming suits? :)

    @djdare: Exactly, it feels like we're regressing.

    Or build it in the form of a website, so everyone can access it?

    "he created another 3D manufacturing software"

    @silkworm: I dunno about NY, but if it's anything like London it couldn't cope without the subway (it can barely cope with!).

    I think the courier (which was only ever a concept) was as much about the hardware as it was the software.

    "but the screen on the camera was terrific, displaying photos you had taken just seconds before. It could render Fujifilm's 3D cameras absolutely useless, if the pricepoint was good enough."

    @Tachyon0118: "To use an extreme example, if someone pulls a gun on you and demands your wallet, they're not really forcing you to give it to them"

    @Papsky: "Hmmm.... Gizmodo should have a 'shopped or not contest for images like these!"

    @pjcard: Thanks for the replies, guys. I've promoted the one's which answered my question :)

    @Volanova: No, I was talking about the technology not that which was spawned from it. Please don't confuse the two.

    @RecipeForHate: I rest with the edges propped on my hand, I find it comfy and usable. I can do the same comfortably with much heavier books, but have no need.

    @alexLmx6: Compared with the expense of retouching each frame by hand?

    Cool. How does it's top speed compare to a 'normal' helicopter?

    @kingcrim84: I agree with what you're saying, but my original post was because I hate the way people substitute a coherent argument with that word, generally while being smug. Compare 'I don't like HDTV because it's expensive and I can't afford it' (cue reasonable rebuttal) with 'HDTV is a gimmick'