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    @scrapking: I think most Brits would be aware of the other meaning of fag, and would steer clear of such a distasteful double entendre.

    @GunFlame: The Second Coming: I don't, but I mostly buy second hand games - so from their point of view I guess I might as well be a pirate! ;)

    @kingcrim84: One man's distasteful is another's hilarious. Live and let live. For instance, of the two posts I find yours more offensive (sorry!).

    Hardware != software, this should not live or die on whether it has a pretty interface to a proprietary app/ebook store. Geez.

    @Gators15: Yeah I'm no fan of the new image search UI either.

    @dandaman247: Yup, every time another browser now I keep getting annoyed with the fact it tries to navigate to my search term!

    Sweet, I'm sure the usual suspects will moan but I suspect it'll be one of those things we take for granted in a year or two.

    @minibeardeath: I often just type it onto the address bar, but I sometimes go to the effort of loading the homepage (I must do so quite a bit, as in my browser g-o seems to be sufficent to get it to complete the rest!)

    Drinking my usual (single) post work beer while reading this, it tastes extra good today :)

    @Robert Cambridge: I would have said our plug was safer than the US type (although it could definitely do with being a bit smaller).

    I've never known a Nokia to be released in a timely manner, so not surprised this one wasn't. Think I'll be waiting till the sim free version represents better value, though.

    Cool, but should be so unnecessary.

    @Nitemancometh: There's just no comparison between anaglyph stereoscopic viewing and modern methods. Of the three mainstream currently, polarised is IMO the best (and the glasses are also cheap).

    @grok666: That sums up nicely why I was so disappointed with the iPad. I've come to realise I just was never the intended audience, though :(

    @Darius1Roberti: Yup. Just noticed that his email is ukresistance@hotmail.com, there's a reason I don't read that blog ;)

    "[...]as the R&D labs of the world push out their hastily assembled attempts at competing with Apple's game-changing iPad."

    Now playing

    @Freakusaurus: I think the damage is mostly blunt trauma, surprised me though I would have gone for the slicing. Actually, I think it surprised them too.

    @madconfusion: Timmy's Dad: Are you two trying to make a point? 'Cos it's not really making sense.