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    That's nothing

    @pjcard: image fail - nothing to see

    image fail - nothing to see

    @hawkeye18: Hang on.. why are we very slowly turning? :)

    @NeoTechni: Yes I hate that thing too, why must so many sites use it? Kill it with fire I say.

    On the box "Curve for comfort, Flatten to Pack" or if that's not enough "Komfortable fur die Hand, flach fur die Tasche"

    No, the music* business is (was?) killing the music* business by refusing to move to new business models. Spending millions lobbying for arcane laws to prosecute their potential customers with. That mentality deserves everything it gets.

    @aamartin: This. Thank you for saving me the reply :)

    @speednuts: It's a rough idea of what is taking up bandwidth now vs then, that's not informative? It's not the whole picture, but few graphs ever are by themselves.

    @Cintax: Thanks, I was wondering about this myself but had begun thinking I was mistaken :)

    That old linked wired story is pretty interesting, it predicted the flavour of HTML around in those days was on the way out, but failed to predict it's successor would be HTML again, albeit in the web2.0 form we're all familiar with now.

    @vein11: Oh right, nice. It does that with still pics (I guess you knew) would be pretty cool if it did it with video too.

    @pjcard: Thanks guys, one reply would have been fine!

    Hang on, am I reading this right - the iPhone still doesn't support bluetooth?

    @vein11:"Maybe recording videos with each sensor as well?"

    "Still overpriced"

    @iScuba: I hope you're a child, because you sure have a lot of growing up to do.

    @Svirfneblin: Actually, with BBSs, people kinda did :)