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    @Faxmonkey: Apart from (3) I'd say that all sounds rather plausible, I'd be willing to put money on it, in fact. :)

    Love the denial pic, classic :)

    @Skir Mernet: heh, and I probably would have needed to google "monitor arm" rather than "motior arm" :)

    If the solution is some sort of coating, as a different giz story suggests, why wait till now to do it? Is this actually a case of some phones missing the coating?

    Why's it so slow? The guy zips around in his chair with no trouble, even getting in/out of the car, but with the legs on - what are they for? Very slow stair climbing is all I can think.

    @silkworm: Who said it was a one size fits all solution?

    @technoindigo: Hmm, oil's running out, what to do with the money? That's it, turn Dubai into a tourist/buisness destination. Oh, hang on, no oil - how will people get there?

    Kids'll believe anything apparently. Who knew.

    @Skir Mernet: But it's just a shiny montior arm, where's the award winning design? They could have googled "motior arm" and come up with tens of similar items. Perhaps I'm missing the point.

    "It's never been done before and it's really cool engineering" and it doesn't work, apparently.

    Business insiders commenting system is epically bad. Makes me glad for gawkers.

    @hawkeye18: I hear ya. XPRT, paypal and lawyers. There's no one I want to win there.

    @Mex: I've already patented the cock, you'll get your cease and desist in the post.

    How is this a story? Those other 1800 entrants must have been pretty crap.