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    @BobFraggle: Ah strawmanning, the last defence of the just-plain-wrong :)

    "scored an off-sides"

    @Teds McTeddington: That much of it is already integrated, just click "earth" in local in a compatible browser.

    @Knuckleguise: Just click "earth" in google local on a compatible browser.

    @Kat Hannaford: "But Google Earth should definitely be incorporated into Maps, in the browser."

    "Sadly, they're sticking with Maemo—but as this video demonstrates, you can Androidize it yourself."

    @Sockatume: That's exactly what I was going to say, it looks identical to google earth to me. Journalism win?


    @RawheaD: Sorry, who are AT&T? OK, I'm being pedantic - I do know - but the phone is available in markets outside America. In the UK I think all carriers are offering it this time round.

    @OgilvyTheAstronomer: Nope, because they actually worked (and work) over 3G to practically any modern handset.

    Apple take a tech that's been out for ages, f*** it up a little (cough wifi only cough) and suddenly it's "the future". Pass me the sick bag.

    Well that's great, I was looking forward to the N8 (I have a 5800) but unless series 5 applications run on it then no one's ever going to make an app for it, and I won't touch it with a barge pole.

    @BGR: Hehe, sounds like someone is unhappy with their old 3G :) I'm kidding, yeah I suppose it was a bit further than most people would go. Does highlight how broken the model of cs-reps-with-no-power-or-training is though. They're just glorified web sites in a way.

    @BGR: Yes, the issue is not whether the guy should have got the upgrade or not, it is the lame way with which he was dealt with.

    @BGR: Did you read the story?