ambiguously unfunny pj134

Melanie - Megan Fox

I'm saying an example of what is getting going. Check em out.

cleveland cyclewerks will be doing it right once they move their manufacturing over. I think they plan on sticking to 250's though.

We could get a 30k sq ft warehouse somewhere desperate enough... Look up the specs on a Renesis half of it would be pretty good... 100 lbs about and 100 some horse unless it decreases in a non linear function, well balanced too...

I know that there is a growth segment opening up in motorcycles since large American brands won't sell bikes young people want. Maybe we could work that angle and get some money with something electric in that lineup until enough capitol is built up to produce cars as they have safety testing and such.

That's no lab.

At least you get a weekend furlough though...

Motorcycles are vehicles right?

Is it weird that that would be the ironic choice?

They've been using unarmored sand rails in the desert for a while now.

You only need RWD and a locker for sand... its mud and snow that you need 4 for.

Want to start a company? We just need to find somewhere jobless enough to give us incentives...

If it can run a mid 10 second 1/4 I'll take it however it looks.

That is a patron saint you're talking about...

The next generation Corvette will be mid engined too!


As far as I know there is still penicillin in the world...

This isn't even a question... This is like asking a group of jalops if they'd fuck Megan Fox...

I see...

I don't know what that is, but it sounds painful.