ambiguously unfunny pj134

If you can provide me a 2500 lbs 200 hp mid teen costing mini evo, I can provide you with a unit sold towards your goal of 200,000.

@Nigel: Then you sir, haven't lived.

Well I'll be damned. I didn't think he would ride anything over 12 years old.

@luisthebeast: Bah, 400 HP and 800 torqies make any rpm range plentiful.

The 5000 club...inati is nearing completion. Congratulations good sir, Skaycog gave you a nipple.

@$kaycog: Well, shes helping me grow my appreciation for Ford.

@Skunky: Damn straight.

The reason he attempted suicide.

Jalopnik PD wouldn't compromise on either the column shift or the manual.

What does the ellipsis hide?!?

I'll just leave this here...

@Tremendously tremendous: That video violated many, many terms of service... I didn't know people could fit a whole pie there.

@Phintastic: Sadly, there were some rejected ones.

@Syrax: I didn't see any mention of rape and/or pillage.

@pauljones: If they provided a street legal car I would definitely daily drive it.

The price is just a bit too high. Drop it 3 k and its NP all day.

The last wrangler I drove (2009) didn't need arm rests because the window was perfect arm-out-the-window height. Does that still apply?