ambiguously unfunny pj134

The real issue here is that these bastards brought 13,000 new cobalts into the world.

@philaDLJ: I think we get off pretty easy, personally. Besides the daily issues in a few spots (conshohocken curve, etc.) traffic isn't that terrible. Just the whole shooting at each other while driving thing increases the pain for some.

Hey little Elon, how many people did you just screw?

@gman1023: You are correct and she is a butter face.

@Ben Wojdyla: The only way what you could make that statement better is if Pavarotti sang it with a hundred strippers stripping in front of him.

@agjios: So at most, a $10,000 Rally car beat cars costing 30x more. Not a feat at all.

@Dan122186: Start. We must support Wawa in all of their endeavors. All hail Wawa.

@Donnie_Iris: The half pipe competition... in his E30...

How much would a 30 second spot of Bill Caswell driving cost as a commercial for Bill Caswell during the X Game rally event? If we don't get him in, that is.

@clevemire: Truly, there is one on every corner in the Philly area. (ok, so within a mile or so of every corner)

@JohnDecaf: Sheetz is for bastards and inbreeders. WAWA UBER ALLES!

@LastActionZero: I almost ended up with a CA18 swapped 240 last year from MD. I think the guy was asking like 750 for it... I probably should have bought that. Anywho, Nicoclub is the best place to find em, NJ, NY, PA and MD have lots of cheap ones, too.

I would say S13 240sx. Light, RWD, can be had for less than a grand if you don't mind getting dirty, a little over if you do. Tons of parts support helps too.