Is 3D like 4 score?
Is 3D like 4 score?
@philaDLJ: Maybe it is the second coming...
@IN THE FACE!: I would wait until it's about to stop being made, just so you don't risk a potential rapid fire GT6.
@The Person Mangino Ate: Oh man... I almost forgot about the danish curler... mmmm...
@IN THE FACE!: Don't go rushing out yet, they still haven't announced a release date. I think the Mayan calender will be over before this game comes out.
Mr. Buck,
@Ash78, lay them straight: Stop being such an ass face-man.
@$kaycog*5000*: A subtle touch, what with the Aryan girl and the Italian car.
@veronykah: Whenever my speedo breaks I hope for the best as well.
I think I'd still rather have a Turbo Caravan from the same era...
@dapper_otter: Awesome!
So isn't this the equivalent of the Ed Hardy wearing asshole flexing his steroid begotten biceps?
I like to push down on my gas pedal as hard as I can until I see a police car, at which point I slam on my brakes. Usually that is followed by me pushing down on my gas pedal as hard as I can again. Is that good for fuel economy?
@D_Robb: In my area they like to roll in white chargers with minimal writing, unmarked chargers and unmarked Tahoes. The Tahoes are what kill me.
@Fodder650: With a set of tits like those, how could it not be a spy?
Temple University police: []
@satalac: They are calling it a "policing action" aren't they?
In a bizarre turn of events, the English are flying over the German homeland.
... Is this a bad time to mention that my great grandfather was a Carabinieri?
@D_Robb: I hate unmarked chargers so much.