ambiguously unfunny pj134

@GV_Goat: Here's the thing about comments on this website, you may not be aware, but many of them contain snark, sarcasm and/or snide remarks. These are meant as an insult to the owners of these vehicles who do completely unnessecary "upgrades" to a vehicles that is never used for it's purposes, either original or in

@Elhigh: It'll be lifted to the heavens as well. With a skull on the tow hitch that is 5' too high to tow anything anyway. They'll justify it though by saying they "want to buy a boat". Apparently they'll want their outboards to be sent flying down I-95 at 84 MPH.

You know what has been bothering me? How many COTD's does Flathead have? Or Ash? We need someone amazing to take up the rains... Someone Alphamazing.

@Møbius: I think it is a forge.

Not enough gratuitous T&A anymore...

@skaycog: And that's why I do what I do.

@skaycøg: Heh, it was the first concept car that I really remember. I was 4 when it was unveiled. It's got a special place in my heart along with the McLaren F1. I'm not saying that I was a jackass, I'm just saying if I were being one, I'd like to be told.

Here is my list:

I think someone just lifted a Cayman and had a speech impediment.

@Motor_Yakuza: It's a compliment that you didn't call it a 250 lbs man in a pink bikini, isn't it?

@skaycøg: I would hope that if I were a complete jackass someone would let me know, so I show that courtesy to everyone. Oh, and I've left the original alone since our conversation.

@tempesjo: Actually, there's another one who I just stopped replying to entirely on Ms. Cog's advice.

@pauljones: There's something pretty badass about a peterbilt trike though... and I agree with your synopsis on this... "mobility concept".

@pauljones: I think I could see myself driving this trike...

@johnnyro: It's the pencil under your avatar, and thanks.

@GTRbrian: I posted this below, but you deserve it too. If you have a problem with Matt's selection, by all means email him with your concerns or even put them in tips, otherwise don't rain on someone else's parade, it's passé and the last time I remember someone doing it, they were shortly thereafter banned.

@Roberto G.: If you have a problem with Matt's selection, by all means email him with your concerns or even put them in tips, otherwise don't rain on someone else's parade, it's passé and the last time I remember someone doing it, they were shortly thereafter banned. It was a more personal attack on the commenter, but