
These are both things I as a coastal liberal adore, and I feel personally attacked.

I’m so glad Washington is finally being handed back over to the common man as opposed to the elites.

Why am I supposed to give a fuck about this?

I’m past outrage I think. I’m somewhere around depressed acceptance of the fact. But part of me is actually chill and cool with this because I think its been high time we brought back overt racism. Ya’ll were getting a little too slick. Now I dare a motherfucker to tell me all lives matter.

Remember this, the next time Jezebel tries to get you to ride for Megyn Kelly in anyway. The woman doesn’t give a shit about anyone except her own bottle blonde ass. This doesn’t surprise me at all. She and whatever her fake brand of feminism is can go and fuck itself.

At least we have two solid months of presidential shade to indulge in.

I was just thinking that. I was literally just savoring reading his responses. We are about to subsist on a steady diet of presidential word salad for the next four years.

what an inbred looking sonofabitch.

“It’s the emergence of a new world,” Le Pen said after Trump’s win. “It’s the end of the 20th century.”

I’m genuinely unsure about what to do about that. There’s a whole large segment of the population that is immune to facts, and so what else can we do but laugh? Seriously, I’m at a loss. Because we clearly need shows like this but the ones who really need to watch it don’t and never will, and now we have to live with

Just set up my monthly donation to Planned Parenthood. Come for us if you want to you orange faced bitch.

OHMYGOD NOVEMBER! You already won please stop with the fuckshit!!!!!

We gave the keys to a very expensive car to a toddler. And now we’re watching him climb into the drivers seat. In a couple of months we will watch him attempt to pull out of the driveway. A seconds long countdown until the inevitable crash...

I’m in the same place right now. I have no more patience to play nice with this fuck shit. I’m leaving that work for white people.

“a toxic Hot Pocket glued to a micropenis”

I seriously cannot believe we have to listen to 4 years of this illiterate fuckpile.

Have not and will never forget. Just like Dave Chappelle said, I know the whites.

Seriously. Up until a few days ago one of my biggest concerns was finding a new local sex partner. Now I barely want to talk to the people I already know, let a lone find a kind new stranger to fuck.

Mix it all together in a king cup because fuck it who gives a shit about decency anymore?

My god I hadn’t even considered this...