
This is precisely why I quit that show years ago. Fuck them and their white ass too cool for school bullshit.

You know it wouldn’t have made a difference.


Yeah that would be worse.

The fact that she could rally and continue to face public life is fortifying for me. Tomorrow I fight another goddamn day.

And that would be somehow even worse.

“President-elect Donald Trump”

I adore Sam Bee. But I’m also a black woman. I have off today and I’m spending it horizontal because I’m just not at back to work yet. I am tired and grieving and just sick right now. Tomorrow is another day. But today is still just as bad as yesterday, and the night before.

The worst part about the Tuesday night was seeing it be close. Even when I still thought she could win, it wasn’t as sweet because it was so close. We needed a landslide! I can’t even take comfort in her winning the popular vote because it wasn’t by a landslide! It shouldn’t have been close.

yeah its not helping. I feel sick.

I can’t believe we did this. I can’t believe we did this. I can’t believe we did this. I can’t believe we did this. I can’t believe we did this. I can’t believe we did this.


This is literally the first thing I thought and I haven’t felt this much joy about anything in weeks.


Yeah that really fucking bothered me.

I too, voted for Stein in 2012. My logic was I was from NY which was gonna go Obama anyway, so I had the luxury of truly voting my values. I hate my younger self.

We aren’t worthy of such a collab

But she’s a proud Texan, with country roots. It’s not so much barreling down a lane as it is claiming a lane that’s also rightfully hers to claim. And she does it well!

Daddy Lessons is one of my favorite tracks on Lemonade and I don’t even really like country music, so I’m pumped for this!