
Literally came here just to say how much I hate PETA.

I cannot stand PETA.

The fun thing about the internet is you never know who you’re writing to. So while you thought it was cute to cite and unsupported bullshit racist statistic to me, my black ass will be over here continuing to avoid men of ALL races bc this seems to be a problem MEN IN GENERAL have overall, who own guns. As a women,

Maybe. But I’m ok with that. Bc from what I’ve witnessed in my life so far, men are extremely emotional. And they become irrational when they get emotional, and when they have guns it only exacerbates those emotions. Don’t worry. I don’t want to fuck your friends.

I’ve found I had the opposite experience. I remember constantly hearing about shootings on the news as a child, and though the major ones made me sad, I remember thinking that this was just how it was. Adults got angry, and sometimes shot each other up. It wasn’t till adolescence when I started reading more, paying

Hey. Texas. Now would be a great time to dispatch one of your ever so handy good guys with guns don’t ya think?

Yeah. America is just coming around to the fact that gays are people. Literal children should have been the gavel, because it’s a universal code that most adults on this earth adhere to. We protect children. If the children couldn't do it, then 50 gays sure won't.

He’s getting up there. This is morbid, but maybe time and age, and a steady diet of McDonald’s will do it’s best work soon. We’ve already lost Bowie, Prince, Alan Rickman, Natalie Cole at younger ages. For Christ’s sake we just lost Ali. How this “Sun-kissed ass plug” is still here is beyond me.

I’ve pretty much ruled out men with guns as potential romantic partners because fuck this shit. I won’t risk it.

NIMBY huh? Well there certainly are some people in the neighborhood who are benefitting from it. Supply exists to meet demand lol...

“Despite her great staging and her great crowd last night, Hillary Clinton could not and did not point to one accomplishment in foreign policy as secretary of state,”

Oh. Fuck.

White. People. STOP. THIS. SHIT.

I’m so glad this hashtag exists. I’ve never felt so much conflict between my identities. Excitement because I’m a woman. Slight Ickyness because I’m black. Revulsion at the opposition because I’m decent. Damn. Girl. I guess lol.

I said this on a prior article about child abuse, but this is the sort of thing that really makes me consider reconsidering my stance on the death penalty. We just don’t need people like this around. If there was a way we could make it swift and cheap and not have him sitting around on death row for years and years, I

Why would it do this?!?!

I cannot stand these wear “insert color” for raising awareness campaigns. I’m fully aware that I could be shot by any freedom lover at the grocery store and that my do nothing elected officials couldn’t give less of a shit. Thanks though.

I feel such a deep seated revulsion towards her. She is just so, dumb. I feel for her past traumas, I really do. No person should have to go through that. But how you can go through all of that and come to such consistently wrong conclusions about the rest of humanity at the end of it, is just mind boggling. Silence

It happens all over the world. I’m not baffled by the frequency with which it happens. I’m baffled that it could even happen, ever at all. The fact that I have a hard time wrapping my mind around the fact that someone could bring themselves to do that to a child doesn’t make me naive. You tried it though.

its the clapping on 1 & 3 that really pissed me off. more than the nudity.