
I think I just blacked out reading that last sentence. That hit me like a fucking Mac truck. This is the kind of stuff that makes me consider reconsidering my convictions on the death penalty. I personally do not want to share time and space on earth with a) that woman, b) the twisted excuse for a human being who

This really fucked me up for a second.

Summer Trumping indeed...

If I could go back in time a year, and show my past self the current state of our political affairs, I would have had to believe that future me was into practical jokes. A year ago, there was no way you could convince me this guy would actually make it to the nomination, let alone through the primaries. I still barely

Maybe because frats are barely tolerable places absolutely wasted, let alone stone cold sober...

I’m so, so very tired of this election cycle. Everything is terrible, and I just want to go back to bed.

YAS ALICIA. Finally coming through with some decent music! Missed you girl!

And yet eating all that Dominoes over the years turned out to be the thing that saved his life? Life really is crazy sometimes...

Traviata too

If anything, everyone’s first concern should be that poor kid’s goddamn name. Boomer???



You are wrong. Space Jam is a treasure.

I’m so glad groups are dancing again!!!

“If you get your willy out, it’s the funniest thing in the world.”

This sounds exactly like my version of hell.

Amen! Team Mirena! I’m two months in and never looking back!!!


Can this week just stop already?

Preach. So far, 2016 can catch these hands.