I’m in formation.
I’m in formation.
I will NEVER forgive John McCain for her
I am in a constant lighting battle with my boyfriend. Down with harsh overhead lighting. Side lamps forever. Lamps make it feel like a warm loving home, not a prison.
This is irrelevant to how much I already admire her, but I TOTALLY would.
This week in “Shit Only White People Can Do”...
We will truly never tire of telling this story as humans will we?
My least favorite part about this election season might be that this fucker has managed to con everyone into thinking he is a moderate. Trump and Cruz deserve fiery deaths for that alone.
No lie, your day sounds amazing.
I feel so lucky to be alive a the same time as Coates. And Beyoncé. But right now at this moment, Coates. The man is so brilliant and really able to capture in words what most of us can only weep. I said it 4 years ago and will continue to say, this biopic is trash and deserves to be trashed in the box office. Nina…
This is true. In my defense, I said moldering. I fully recognize fresh delicious sour cream as being the most important food group, next to wine.
Someone please shut this fucking moldering dollop of sour cream up.
This would be SO appropriate!
Oh. Hell the fuck no.
This man deserves to be underneath the jail.
It’s not even like they already have 19 kids and were running out of good name options. So ya’ll are just gonna hit the ground running with Spurgeon? Ok girl.
“Result of seven Horcruxes, Rick Scott”
I’m so sorry Maurice. Your life mattered young man.
I honestly LOVE that she does this shit lol. It’s so petty. Like, “yeah I know you want me to say some shit about my work or personal life so you can tear it apart so here are some nothing quotes about paintings instead. See you on tour bitches.” I really do love her style.
Thank you so much for your story. I wish you and your family well. <3
This shit is not a joke. I don’t really want kids to begin with but when I think about the conditions working mothers have to endure in this goddamn country, the option looks even less appealing. Frankly I’m amazed my own mother brought me and my sister into the world at all.