My father is sometimes tactless and tone-deaf but I could NEVER imagine...
My father is sometimes tactless and tone-deaf but I could NEVER imagine...
All the anti-vaxxers have children that are “perfectly healthy” until their dead of meningitis...
That struck me too.
White. People.
Fuck you Christie. You shat your bed, now lie in it.
This looks like Pure. Wet. Unadulterated. Trash. This makes me so fucking angry. Nina Simone DID NOT deserve this disrespect.
What in the whole entire fuck is happening in this country?
Lol. I said I don’t like willfully ignorant people, or views that are actively harmful to groups of oppressed people. If that happens to mean non liberal to you, then so be it booboo.
I’m so here for this era of Gaga.
Look, I have no problem releasing a hearty “This. Bitch.” into the universe with all of the vitriol I can muster whenever I am encountering her and her absolute nonsense. I’m not even gonna sit here and pretend that as a liberal I love everyone. I have NO tolerance for the willfully ignorant and that is exactly what…
This. Bitch.
White people. White. People. WHITE PEOPLE.
I know I am NOT the only one who thought that header meant murdered a white woman...
Well, to be fair, fetuses don’t need things like clean drinking water. All those freeloading preschoolers in Flint with lead poisoning better find some fucking bootstraps real quick.
What is happening? What is happening??? WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING?????!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
NO WAY. He did NOT open with that bullshit!
Damn. You could probably be flagged for posting porn like that...
Oprah’s commercial just makes me eat bread. Like I will take some bread every damn time that commercial comes on. Stocks in bread rose when they aired that shit. Sorry Weight Watchers. Congrats bread.