
I wouldn’t Grantham parole either.

The last 7 years has shown me that consequences don’t exist, and everyone who can enforce rules and laws are all cowards.

Chevy Chase’s character is Pierce Hawthorne, not Franklin Pierce.

If NY is a one-party consent state for recording purposes, I fail to see an actual cause of action by the hospital. It’s also not illegal to announce you do not like your doctor and why. Case in point: Google reviews.

I think her goal is not only finding relief but in sharing the insanity of her attempts to get competent and compassionate care. I certainly didn’t know this was a thing. And I bet a lot of other people didn’t either. Was Tiktok the best place to bring this to public attention? I don’t know. It seems to have worked.

Wow, I’ve heard a lot of shitty things from doctors, but, “hey, sorry, you could get raped one day and get pregnant as a result, and we need to consider that potential baby over your current, actual needs” has be be one of the worst?

Another shocking part of this is the idea that hospitals can not only withhold treatment, but also advise OTHER hospitals to withhold treatment, from patients.

Hook-up culture is the culprit. Not imaginary bogeymen.

Republicans:  Better ban contraception then.

First of all, CancerAIDS.

Six seasons and a movie of cancerAIDS!

First of all, GLOW deserves six seasons and a movie.

Ah, thank you (legit, no sarcasm). I’m just now getting up to speed on this whole debacle, so I appreciate that.

So Niemann has beat Carlsen twice in a row

Jeez, what’s up this guy’s butt?

Now playing

Funny enough, it’s not entirely true that it isn’t available to stream - the entire movie has been uploaded to Youtube several times, seemingly without issue. This subtitled version has been up for almost three years now:

Do people in your state not go for option 3 of buying quality reusable bags (not the plastic bags the store has for 10 cents)? It’s not hard.

The circumstantial evidence you put there basically comes down to:

Is this exclusive to D&D, or do you also want Vulcans, Wookiees, and Flora Colossus to just be skins too, otherwise identical to humans? Droids too? No Vulcan Nerve Pinch? Wookiees no stronger than humans? Metal takes damage just like flesh? Again it’s fine for you to play that way, or create your own RPG. I might

Part of the problem here is you’re being slippery with language. Yes, “dwarf is both my race and profession” is ridiculous and seemed ridiculous to me when I first saw it in junior high. And yes, races/species should not have alignments. But a halfling will not have the same traits as a tabaxi or dragonborn. If you